Mohra'yl The Martyr [Mohraty]
+ A martyr of the
4th Century AD in the time of Emperor Dekladinos [between 284 & 305 AD].
+ Her name was mentioned in all
Coptic manuscripts as Mohra'yl abbreviated to Mohra'y - Mohraty. Its translation is "God's Power" [Patriarchal Manuscripts
# 950/70 Liturgy at Klout Bey] & [Manuscript # 18 Liturgy at St. Qousman & Demian Monastery].
+ Bishop
Philips of Menf (Giza) wrote her biography in the 4th Century and built the first church in her name, consecrating it on the
15th of August 314 AD [Manuscripts # 42 & 56 History at St. Paula Monastery & Manuscript # 77 History at St. Antonius
+ She was born in Temwah in Giza, close to Menf, to a priest called You'anis and a mother called
Illaria, according to the prophecy of St. Ibsady, Bishop of Menf, in the late 3rd Century AD.
+ She lived in
reclusion in her father's house and God granted her the gift of healing at the age of 12.
+ She rode a chariot
with those going towards their martyrdom and died as a martyr in Insana, east of Mallawi in Minia, on the 14th of Touba.
Her body was returned to her hometown and a church was built upon it. Bishop Philips, who wrote her biography, consecrated
the church, as mentioned in the history of Abul Makarem in 1209 AD [History of Abul Makarem - Paper no. 67b - published in
Oxford in 1894 AD].
+ Bishop Sawires Ben Al Moqafa' mentioned in the "History of Popes" that her body was returned
to Ancient Egypt, together with that of her brother's Martyr Abahour Al Saryaqousy the 11th, to a church on the bank of Lake
Abi Qoudamah, which was converted by Minister Al Afdal to a mosque that still stands [History of Popes - GII - C2 - Page 227].
In 1984, her biography was published from the above-mentioned manuscripts, and was re-published in 1995. Bishop Mina mentioned
her in Boustan Al Qiddisat. She was mentioned in the Synaxarion Manuscript # 220/155 Liturgy at the Coptic Museum and in the
Synaxarion of René Passier that was published by Bishop Samuel under the 14th of Touba.
+ In Al Kiraza journal
- Issue dd. 30/1/1998, His Eminence Pope Shenouda III published the news of an extensive meeting that was held, concerning
this Saint, mentioning that she is a martyr and that she had a church in her name. His Eminence gave permission that anniversaries
are to be held for her and nuns are to be ordained in her name in several convents.
+ His Eminence signed the
photograph of this great martyr and everybody started receiving her blessings and his.
+ At present, there is
a chapel for her at St. Qousman & Demian Monastery at Manial Sheeha in Giza (Hawamdeya Road), which was consecrated by
the pure hands of Bishop Domadius of Giza on 18/8/1996 AD. The Monastery is close to her birthplace.
Father Youssef
Tadros Al Houmi